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我想陪你走过这漫长的岁月 日复一日看这白夜交的光 日复一日路过渐渐褪色的松柏街道 让你和你的声音永远定格在我鲜活的记忆中

I want to accompany you through this long period of time, watching this white-night light day pass by the fading pine and cypress streets day after day, so that you and your voice will always be fixed in my vivid memory


"Today, I finally got up the courage to send the sunset video to my favorite boy. He sent a circle of friends and said that it was taken by his girlfriend. I deleted him and it was obviously taken by me."


Don't care about gossip and Stone, because love itself is a very romantic thing. If you care too much about others, you will lose your gentleness.


Responsibility is: "If you touch her, you will be responsible for him. Take off her clothes, let her wear a wedding dress "because you said you would marry her.


Miyazaki Hayao said: When the person who is with you wants to get off the bus, even if you don't give up, you should be grateful and wave goodbye. Everyone's story is very gentle at the beginning, but often the end of the story is not worthy of the whole beginning. Remember, every difficult result is our best result.


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