Let's not fight among ourselves. Come on! It's been a lot of time. We have to hurry to go out, or locked in here but one thousand years ah, can't get out alive.
Yes, let's go quickly, destroy these things as soon as possible, don't have to bring disaster.
We must unify the caliber, can not let others see these secrets in the end, it is best not to tell others, otherwise it may be attacked by the group.
Can't do this, the sages saints left things handed down, is not for the benefit of the people benefit future generations? If we hide, that is not contrary to their wishes?
No, no, no childe don't think about it, you think about it, if these things are those insatiable people know, what will happen?
Know what, now that the world knows, that is not just for the benefit of the people? Wouldn't it be good for everyone's cultivation to be improved and the protection of the cultivation world to be blessed? How can a single family be stronger than everyone else?