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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



尸.炎黄一队(鬼甩棍!鬼胎头!)(ghost throw a stick! Ghost head! )

机甲首领(小老鼠厉害了不少啊)(The little mouse is quite powerful.)

尸.炎黄一队(你这些垃圾机甲没用了)(You garbage mecha are useless)

机甲首领看来要我们亲自开始了Looks like we're going to start in person

周墨枫(拜托,看清楚,你的对手是我!)(Please, see clearly, your opponent is me! )

周墨枫(火神珠!爆!)(Vulcan beads! Burst! )

机甲首领(啊!)(Ah! )

周墨枫(嘿嘿系统给我的好东西,我都没用呢)(Hey, hey, the good things that the system gave me are useless to me.)

周墨枫(神灵珠!炸!)(god bead! Fried! )

机甲首领(靠,你不讲武德)(Shit, you have no martial ethics)

周墨枫(嘿嘿,你们上把,我不管了)(Hey, you go up, I don't care)

贝贝(哈哈,撕!麒麟显世!杀!)(Ha ha, tear! Kirin appears in the world! Kill! )

四神兽(TMD,一共就2个,你还认真了!啊啊啊!神州!)(TMD, there are only two in total. You are serious! Ah, ah, ah! Shenzhou! )

公孙离冰霜领域!霜冰龙!,Frost field! Frost frost wyrm! ,

四神兽(wc,冷死爷了!)(wc, it's freezing! )

四神兽(雷神降临!)(Thor comes! )

四神兽杀!杀!杀!Kill! Kill! Kill!

四大战神这家伙,叫我们来看戏的?,都没地方下手了This guy called us to the theatre? , have no place to start

阿鲁(辛苦你们了,在旁边看着,TMD那只s阶中期留给我,魔物们!冲啊!)(Thank you for your hard work. Look around, TMD. Leave it to me in the middle of S-order, demons! Go! )

尸王(哈哈,没想到他们怎么牛,2个伞兵都不能还手)(Ha ha, I didn't know how awesome they were. Two paratroopers couldn't fight back)

黑鬼(他们也是2个s阶啊)(They are also two S-orders.)

周墨枫尸王,给你们商量一件事King of resin, let me discuss one thing with you

尸王(你说吧,)(You say it.)

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