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周墨枫(尸王怎么不经打?)(尸王怎么不经打?)(why don't the king of resin be beaten? )

周墨枫(贝贝,来吧,把b阶机器人秒了在说)(贝贝,来吧,把b阶机器人秒了在说)(Beibei, come on, talk about the B-order robot for a second)

周墨枫(分身术!牙通牙!)(Separation! Teeth, teeth! )

贝贝(分身术!牙通牙!)(Separation! Teeth, teeth! )

机甲首领(这tm是什么鬼东西)(What the hell is this tm)

机甲军团(老大他们冲我们来的,我们不是对手啊)(老大他们冲我们来的,我们不是对手啊)(Boss, they are coming for us, we are no match.)

尸王(哈哈,这么久不见,实力比我强了不少啊)(Ha ha, I haven't seen you for so long, and my strength is much stronger than mine.)

黑鬼(什么?)(What? )

尸王(他们2个人能单挑他们一个小队,我们不可以吧?)(他们2个人能单挑他们一个小队,我们不可以吧?)(two of them can play one-on-one with one team, can't we? )

黑鬼(……我服了)(... I took it)

尸王走吧,他们应该不会有事Let's go. They should be fine

机甲首领(撤退快跑!TMD都快团灭了)(Retreat and run! TMD is going to die out)

周墨枫(切,都跑了……看来这机器人是成功着尸王来的)(Cut, they all ran away ... It seems that this robot has succeeded in killing the king)

周墨枫(贝贝,我们先回去,看来要打那2个首领的话,不和尸王联盟看来是凶多吉少啊)(Beibei, let's go back first. It seems that if we want to fight those two leaders, it seems that we are not going to run with the King of the Dead.)

贝贝(好,不过和尸王联盟我们是不是要商量一下)(OK, but should we discuss it with the King of the Dead Alliance?)


周墨枫不和尸王联盟还有一个中期的机器人怎么办?What if we don't have a mid-term robot with the King of the Dead Alliance?

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