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(周墨枫和丧尸群都各回各家了,)(Zhou Mo Maple and Zombie Group went back to their homes.)

周墨枫(怎么样了?都讲讲今天的收获吧,怎么样了,新的基地找到了吗?)(How's it going? Let's talk about today's harvest. How's it going? Have you found a new base? )

贝贝(嗯嗯,西边有一片空地,,懂得都懂)(嗯嗯,西边有一片空地,,懂得都懂)(uh-huh, there is an open space in the west, and everyone knows it.)

周墨枫(可以啊,材料我们多的是啊,卡拉尼斯,带魔族去吧这个搞定)(Yes, we have plenty of materials. Yes, Karanis, take the inferno. This is done.)

卡拉尼斯(是!集合!出任务了!)(yes! Gather! Out of the mission! )

(卡拉尼斯带着魔兽群浩浩荡荡的出了庇护所)(Caranis took the enchanted herd out of the shelter in a mighty way)

周墨枫()还有什么信息吗?() Any other information?

贝贝(有,离我们不太远的地方有几处团体,虽然对我们没什么危险但是他们都是吃人不吐骨头的人渣)Yes, there are several groups not far away from us. Although they are not dangerous to us, they are scum who eat people and don't spit bones.

周墨枫(那还不简单,带四大神兽去把他们该怎么样怎么样不就完事了)(that's not easy, take the four great beasts to do what they should do.)

周墨枫(好了夜深了,都该干什么干什么去吧,明天我去看看他们修炼的怎么样了,到了c级的话可以出去转转了)(Well, it's late at night. Go and do whatever you have to do. I'll go and see how they practice tomorrow. If you get to the C level, you can go out and have a look.)

阿鲁(行,我去外面玩玩,)(OK, I'll play outside.)

四大战神(他一个人没什么事吧?)Is he all right by himself? )


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