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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



尸王(行了,我要走了,小姐,下次再见,告辞!)(All right, I have to go, Miss. See you next time. Leave! )

公孙离(霜冰龙!收!)(Frost frost wyrm! Collect! )

尸.炎黄一队(就怎么走了?)(just how to go? )

尸.炎黄一队(靠,你还想怎么样,你打得过吗)(Shit, what else do you want, can you beat it?)

公孙离(实力还是不够啊,也不知道大哥都死哪去了)(The strength is still not enough, and I don't know where the eldest brother is dead.)

尸王(公孙离是吧,嘿嘿有点意思,真的跟她很像啊,有缘再见)(Gongsun Li, isn't it? Hehe, it's interesting. It's really like her. It's meant to be goodbye.)

丧尸(大人,新的基地已经找好了)(My Lord, the new base has been found)

尸王(把事情交给黑鬼就行了,我继续玩去了)Just leave the matter to the nigger. I'll continue to play.

尸王(记住了,好好修炼)(Remember, practice well)


(镜头转到周墨枫这里)(The camera turns to Zhou Mofeng)

周墨枫(这是什么情况?不是说很安全的吗?怎么一下子就遭到了2次攻击!)(What is the situation? I thought it was safe. How come you were attacked twice in one fell swoop! )

四大战神(啊这,这群人阴险狡诈,诡计多端,根本抓不住他们啊,幸好没有人员死亡)(Ah, this group of people are cunning and scheming, and they can't be caught at all. Fortunately, no one died)

周墨枫(那是他们防水了,不然凭你们都抓不到他们,他们会怎么弱?)(that is, they are waterproof, otherwise, if you can't catch them, how weak will they be? )

异界人(老大,我建议加强一下防守吧,不然他们是这么溜进来的都不知道)(Boss, I suggest strengthening the defense, otherwise they won't know how to sneak in)

本章完End of this chapter

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