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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



公孙离(什么!好快的速度,啊!)(What! What a fast speed, ah! )

尸.炎黄一队(好快!要小心了!我先上了!兽王附体!)(good fast! Be careful! I went first! Beastmaster possessed! )

尸.炎黄一队(嘿嘿,灵魂出窍!)(Hey hey, out-of-body experience! )

尸.炎黄一队(你们2个,等等我啊,血神!燃烧我3分之1的血量!杀!)(you two, wait for me, blood god! Burn one third of my blood! Kill! )

尸王(果然没有让我失望,特别是你,燃烧精血!改造之后至少是a级变异体)(It didn't disappoint me, especially you, burning JingXie! After the transformation, it is at least a class A variant)

尸.炎黄一队(战斗的时候可别分心啊!兽**!)(Don't be distracted when fighting! Beastmaster shock! )

尸王(力量还不错,速度也不错,你是我的了!吸星决!烧!)(strength is not bad, speed is not bad, you are mine! Suck the stars! Burn! )

尸.炎黄一队(啊啊啊啊!全身都是燃烧的声音……)(Ah ah ah! The whole body is burning ...)

尸.炎黄一队灵魂出窍!精神波!Out of body experience! Spirit wave!

尸王(没想到,现在还有这种东西啊,吸辰决!破!)(unexpectedly, there is such a thing now, suck Chen definitely! Broken! )

尸.炎黄一队(啊啊啊啊啊!)(Ah, ah, ah! )

尸.炎黄一队(怎么可能……一下就解决2个人)(How is it possible to solve two people at once)

尸王(怎么样,你还要不要打)(Well, do you still want to fight)

尸.炎黄一队(来!棍来!血爆!鬼抬头!)(come! Come with a stick! Blood explodes! Ghost head up! )

尸王(有点意思嘛,来!吃完一击!汉王拳!)(Interesting, come on! Finish the blow! Hanwang fist! )

公孙离(无影步!青莲剑法!)(shadowless step! Violet swordplay! )

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