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普通人(行了安静点吧,幸好我们不在撤离点,听说现在撤离点都失守了)(Come on, be quiet. Fortunately, we are not at the evacuation point. I heard that all the evacuation points have fallen.)

尸王(嘿嘿,有几只小老鼠溜进来了)(Hey, there are a few little mice sneaking in.

尸王(这个时间,已经连接的差不多了,我的不死驱也回复的差不多了!哈哈哈!是时候出去玩玩了!)(This time, it has been connected about the same, and my undead drive has also replied about the same! Ha ha ha! It's time to go out and play! )

尸.炎黄一队(小心点,刚刚仪器检测a级感染者的能量波动了应该是那个尸王了!)(Be careful, just the energy fluctuation of the A-level infected person should be the king of the corpse! )

尸.炎黄一队(老大!我找到幸存者了!)(eldest brother! I found the survivors! )

尸.炎黄一队(!有没有感染者)(! Is there an infected person)

尸.炎黄一队(没有,不过幸存者好像不太对劲)No, but something seems to be wrong with the survivors.

普通人(死……-死了,都死了)(Dead ...-Dead, all dead)

尸.炎黄一队(没感染的都带回去)(Take back those who are not infected)

尸王(做的不错,这个给你吧)(Well done, here you are.)

丧尸(嘿嘿,进阶,进阶)(hehe, advanced, advanced)


周墨枫(行了,搜刮的差不多了,回去吧)(All right, we're done searching. Go home.)

四大战神(今天大家搜获还不错啊!今天晚上吃冰镇咖喱!)(Today, everyone's search is not bad! Eat iced curry tonight! )

周墨枫(你们还有电?)Do you still have electricity? )

本章完End of this chapter

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