尸.炎黄一队(控兽。今天试了一下最多可以控制10只蚊子)(control of the beast. Tried it today to control up to 10 mosquitoes:)
周墨枫(还不错,那就要锻炼精神力了啊……你以后就跟着贝贝吧他精神力真强)(Not bad, it is necessary to exercise the spirit... You will follow Beibei in the future, his spirit is really strong)
贝贝(你以后就跟着我出去,锻炼精神力最好的方法就是出去锻炼累了就睡觉补充精神力)(You will follow me out in the future. The best way to exercise your spirit is to go out and exercise. When you are tired, you will sleep and replenish your spirit.)
周墨枫行了各位回去休息了明天继续努力All right, everybody, go back to bed. Keep up the good work tomorrow
周墨枫贝贝去叫几个人过来Beibei, go get some people
周墨枫(明天我们去贝贝说的那个幸存者营地看看,)(tomorrow we go to beibei said the survivors of the camp to see,)
白虎(那要是谈不拢呢?)(What if you can't talk about it? )
朱雀(一把火烧了就是)(a fire is)
周墨枫(对!不过是要建立在他们不威胁到我们的情况,)Right but to build on the fact that they don't threaten us,)
贝贝(行吧,要不要叫那个人一起去?)OK, do you want to ask that person to go with you? )
周墨枫(随便吧,反正能锻炼一点是一点)(Whatever, a little exercise is a little anyway)
贝贝(行,我去和他说说)(OK, I'll talk to him)
周墨枫(各位都回去吧,明天早上见)(everyone go home, see you tomorrow morning)
(……深夜)Late At Night
周墨枫(系统,这个兵营到底有什么用啊?半天没搞懂)(System, what is the use of this barracks? I didn't understand it for a long time)
(本章完End of this chapter )