觉醒者(是!老大)Be Old
阿鲁(你确定让我训练他们?他们可不是魔物等下死这里了怎么办?)Are you sure you want me to train them? They're not monsters. What if they die here? )
周墨枫(只要训不死就往死里训,放心觉醒者没那么快死的)(As long as the training is not dead, go to the dead, rest assured that the awakened one is not so fast)
周墨枫(记得叫你的魔物多注意一下周围,今天又有无线电的声音了是军队的,他们好像注意到我们了)(Remember to tell your demons to pay more attention to the surroundings. Today there is a radio sound again. It is the army. They seem to notice us.)
阿鲁行,军队可不是他们的对手Okay, the army is no match for them
周墨枫嗯嗯Uh huh
一晚很快就过去,也有几个幸存者来到基地想要寻求帮助可是心里有歪念头这可骗不了魔法师和魔物后果懂得懂得One night passed quickly, and several survivors came to the base to ask for help, but they had bad thoughts in their hearts. This can't fool the sorcerer and the monster. The consequences know how to understand
周墨枫各位瞄准你们面前的瓶子不着急慢慢来Everybody, aim for the bottle in front of you. Take your time
尸.炎黄一队(别把自己想象的那么帅气,你们只是一群小白!双手持枪!集中精力!装弹夹,上膛,开保险,一气呵成!手指别扣死扳机,当你瞄准好了准备射击的时候摸上扳机)(Don't imagine yourself so handsome, you are just a group of white! Armed with both hands! Focus! Load the magazine, load it, open the insurance, in one go! Don't pull the trigger with your finger, touch the trigger when you are aiming and ready to shoot)
本章完End of this chapter