蛟龙(行吧行吧)(OK, OK)
周墨枫(Then you say hello to my dragons first) (Then you say hello to my dragons first) (那你先和我的龙群们打个招呼吧)
蛟龙被收进小世界Xiaolong was taken into the small world
周墨枫(行了也差不多了去清理小区吧,贝贝你带人去把医院清理出来)(The line is almost the same to clean up the community, Beibei you take people to clean up the hospital)
贝贝嗯,行Yeah, all right
(现在大街上还是有不少觉醒者,但是都不太正常)(There are still many awakenings on the street, but they are not normal)
周墨枫(前面好吵啊)(It's so noisy in front)
觉醒者(受死吧,雷霆万钧!)Death comes to you, a thunderbolt! )
丧尸(嗷嗷~)(Ow ~)
(几个丧尸到下,但是有几只觉醒了的丧尸慢慢靠近)(a few zombies to the next, but there are a few wake up zombies slowly close to)
觉醒者星火燎原!The stars are burning!
周墨枫(这几个人是傻子吗?不知道会透支体力的吗)(this a few people is a fool? I don't know if I will overdraw my strength)
觉醒者噗!!!Puff ! !
(几只觉醒丧尸吧几个透支体力的觉醒者偷袭了)(A few awakened zombies, a few awakened people who have exhausted their physical strength have sneaked up)
周墨枫(那几只丧尸好像不太一样?干净利索貌似有点智商?)(that a few zombies don't seem to be the same? Clean, looks like a little IQ? )
周墨枫青龙去干掉他们Tsing lung to kill them
青龙(龙鞭腿!)(the dragon whip leg! )
丧尸瞬间四分五裂了丧尸瞬间四分五裂了Zombies split apart in an instant
青龙啊这……好像太严厉了?Ah, this...... Seems to be too strict?
周墨枫(刚刚觉醒的丧尸也就是稍微有点智慧啊)(just wake up zombies is a little bit of wisdom)
周墨枫本章完End of this chapter