周墨枫(但是修炼,效果是一样的啊。)(But the practice, the effect is the same. )
系统(你不就天天懒吗,你个懒逼)(Aren't you lazy every day, you lazy bastard)
周墨枫(行了行了,快快快修炼吧)(All right, let's practice quickly)
(时间过去的还是很快的,今天就是丧尸天灾的第一天了)(time in the past or soon, today is the first day of the zombie disaster)
周墨枫(都到200级了,真不错啊,现在丧尸都是0级的,大家能杀多少杀多少,明天丧尸就会开始修炼了……真离谱)(All up to 200, really good, now the zombies are 0, how much can you kill, how many zombies will start practicing tomorrow... really outrageous)
贝贝(行了,老大,我们都懂)(Come on, boss, we all know)
阿鲁(魔族已经准备就绪了,都挺无语的,这么久没打过架)(inferno is ready, are quite speechless, so long didn't fight)
周墨枫(2个一队……6点开始狩猎!都打起精神来!)(2 a team... 6 o'clock to start hunting! Cheer up! )
周墨枫(系统,现在外面怎么样了?)(System, what's going on outside now? )
系统(已经有人开始感染了不过h市还没有……没办法一开始还不是特别快)(Someone has started to get infected, but H City hasn't yet... can't help it. It wasn't particularly fast at first)
周墨枫(那可不可以现在就把感染者杀了?)(Can you kill the infected person now? )
系统(来不急的……这还只是国内……死人都会火化的,国外死人都是葬土里的,太多了来不急的)(There is no hurry... This is only domestic... The dead will be cremated, and the dead in foreign countries are buried in the soil. Too many are not in a hurry)
周墨枫(……就挺无语)(... it is quite speechless)
本章完End of this chapter