书接上文,小郑率领战舰入侵地下城,这时的天明被巨大的轰鸣声叫醒,立马就冲下了地下城,十分的可怕,但是在这里作者不得不刷一点字数1234567892345678934567894567895678967897898999875432187654321654321543214321321211147258369963258711bjdbjdudchgeugdddrfvtzvydydvxyebxuebduwniwninifbibfksksksmsmsmskskskskkskskkskskskskskskskskskskskskskskskI am a little baby from England and people like me like to count the words in the novelThe poor try their best horizontal and oblique together to walk alone Daigo indoctrination continuous melon butterfly wind for the return read dragon line up to cornerPenghu Bay evening breeze gently white waves beach by beach there is no play Lin drunk setting sun just a blue sea