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2018有《病变》《让我做你的眼睛》《白羊》《纸短情长》《9420》《起风了》《学猫叫》《我的将军啊》《青梅竹马》《你要的全拿走》《给陌生的你听》《心愿便利贴》《文爱》《青柠》《讲真的》《小可爱与小领带》《学猫叫》《答案》《不仅仅是喜欢》《离人愁》《体面》《9277》《空空如也》《追光者》《123我爱你》《最美情侣》《带你去旅行》《你,好不好》《你还怕大雨吗》《浪人琵琶》《That Girl》《戒烟》《可能否》《讲真的》《卡布奇诺》《一个人去巴黎》《突然好想你》《3AR》《云烟成雨》《离人愁》《说散就散》

朝暮与年岁并往 与你一起共至光年,凛冬散尽 星河长明 新的一年 万事顺意


大家好,我是xxx 敲响的是钟声,走过的是岁月,留下的是故事,带走的是希望,盼望的是美好,送来的是祝福,愿你:新年快乐!平安幸福,步步高升!祝大家一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三阳开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美。新年牛牛牛!


If you miss me, send me a message. I will never ignore you, because when you miss me, I will definitely miss you.

Everyone says that my temperament is very slow, but in fact I can also be fast.

Your clean and dazzling youth is clear for all the rainy seasons of my girlhood

The evening breeze is lightly stepping on the clouds, the moon is selling happiness, you approach me from behind the galaxy, and I sink for you with Xinghui.

I hopped back and forth on the path of life and accidentally fell into the hurdles of your joy.

After meeting you, I became more and more greedy. Every day, I just thought about closing the Milky Way early and bringing the late stars and the moon into your eyes.

I'm boring, just for you, I want to be funny

Your brow is as picturesque as the sun, the moon and the stars. You just smile and shake the world. You are the pronoun of all the world's preferences and exceptions. You are the possible between the impossible.

Like the cool wind in the mountains, like the warm light in the ancient city, from morning to night, from the mountains to the study, as long as the last is you, it is good.

Everyone is a princess, there will be knights to pick us up.

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