作者日光功率被太阳调得越来越小,贩卖快乐的晚霞改五点半收摊回家,天黑之前月亮警察出来巡逻。这个夏日好像就要收尾了。 The power of sunlight is getting smaller and smaller by the sun. The happy sunset is changed to 5: 30, and the moon police come out to patrol before dark. This summer seems to be coming to an end.
作者日子被我过得太无趣了,想吃好多好多冰镇西瓜和冷饮,想成为你喜欢的女孩,想借着夏天的风说,我喜欢你。 Life is too boring for me. I want to eat lots of chilled watermelons and cold drinks, be a girl you like, and say I like you by the summer wind.
作者我总爱跟你谈及宇宙,温柔,橘子汽水味儿的风和蓝色的落日。 I always talk to you about the universe, gentleness, orange soda wind and blue sunset.
作者在夏天,我们吃绿豆、桃、樱桃和甜瓜。在各种意义上都漫长且愉快,日子发出声响。 In summer, we eat mung beans, peaches, cherries and melons. It is long and pleasant in every sense, and the days make a sound.