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江楚要去开心 要去期待 要去热爱(To be happy, to look forward to, to love)

江楚我偏要在这个薄情的世界里 讲深情的话,做浪漫的事(I prefer to say affectionate words in this thin world,Do romantic things)

江楚这个世界泥泞破碎 却也能开出温柔的花朵(The world is muddy and broken, but it can also open gentle flowers)

江楚但愿那些不为人知的你 都有被好好珍藏(I hope those who are unknown to you are well treasured)

江楚这一生不算赶 不妨沿路看星光(This life is not a rush, you may as well look along the road to see the stars)

江楚万家灯火与群星 人间值得的又一刻(Another moment worth it for all the lights and stars)

江楚我来到这个世界,为了看看太阳和蓝色的地平线(I came into this world,to see the sun and the blue horizon)

江楚要长大 但不要变成奇奇怪怪不可爱的人(Grow up, but don't be a strange and unlovable person)

江楚没有很快乐 没有不快乐(Not very happy, not unhappy)

江楚有点普通 但我很喜欢(It's a little ordinary, but I love it)

江楚不等人 不缺人追 更不缺陪伴(Don't wait for people, no shortage of people to chase, not lack of company)

江楚不想谈谁都能谈的恋爱 空窗期自我反省(Don't want to talk about anyone can talk about love, empty window period self-reflection)

江楚提升价值 下一次恋爱 一定很幸福 共勉(Increase value The next love must be very happy)

江楚今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑,很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。(Today ,give a stranger one of your smiles . It might be the only sunshine he sees all day )

江楚你是我疲惫生活的希望与糖。(You are the hope and sugar of my tired life.)

江楚万水千程,皆有好运。(There is good luck in all the mountains and rivers.)

江楚纵使你满身尖锐如刺猬,仍有人拥抱爱你不避讳。(Even if you are as sharp as a hedgehog , someone still hugs and loves you )

江楚我害怕回头望,身后遗落下山川和海洋。(I'm afraid to look back ,leave behind the mountains and oceans .)

江楚我们都会上岸,阳光万里路边鲜花开放。(We all come ashore , sunny miles of roadside flowers blooming .)

江楚愿你来的时候,暴雨骤停,长风栖歇。(When you come ,the rainstorm will stop and the wind will stay.)

江楚昨天是历史,明天是个谜,今天是一个礼物。(Yesterday is history , tomorrow is mystery , and today is a gift.)

江楚无需害怕,我与你并肩唱歌。(There's no need to be feer ,i will sing with you my friend .)

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