Love's my religion,爱情如同我信奉的宗教,
But he was my faith,可他曾是我的信仰,
Something so sacred,这份情感如此神圣,
So hard to replace,太难以替代,
Falling for him was like falling from grace,沉沦于他 就像无止境的堕落,
All wrapped in one,殊途同归,
He was so many sins,他罪孽深重,
Would have done anything,愿为他做任何事
Everything for him,为他做任何事也在所不惜,
And if you ask me,若你问起我,
I'd do it again,我还会重蹈覆辙,
No need to imagine,无需想象,
'Cause I know it's true,因为我深知的确如此,
They say all good boys go to heaven,人们都说好男孩最终属于天堂,
But bad boys bring heaven to you,可花花公子总会带你去往极乐,
It's automatic,自然而然地,
It's just what they do,他们一向如此,
You don't realise the power they have,你尚未意识到他们的魅力,
Until they leave you and you want them back,直到他们离开了 你渴望他们回到身边,
Nothing in this world prepares you for that,而你毫无防备,
I'm not a sinner,我并非罪人,
He wasn't the one,他不是我的真命天子,
Had no idea what we would become,全然不知我们未来的走向,
There's no regrets,也不后悔,
I just thought it was fun,我只是觉得这很有趣,
I still remember the moment we met,我仍然记得我们相遇的那一刻,
The touch that he planted,从肌肤之触开始 爱情开始萌生,
The garden he left,他留下的感情如同一片茂盛花园,
I guess the rain was just half that effect,我想 这场大雨 不过是这段感情带来的些许结果,
They say all good boys go to heaven,人们都说好男孩最终属于天堂,
But bad boys bring heaven to you,可花花公子总会带你去往极乐。