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本书标签: 轻小说  TNT时代少年团 




/You can shout in front of others, but I advise you to behave yourself in front of me/


/I suggest you keep your mouth shut. If you can't keep your mouth shut, I'll do it for you/


/ This is not a time for people to seek help people love nor is it an year of starts about growing and around keep angrily you to rest yourself/


/No decency is worth your impudence/


/ People look back at the small hundred beautiful life you look back and large at the famous ghost for life/


/ Please pay at the to the medicine when talking to me I'm trying to learn and afraid of dogs/


/ You see it as much as you like you are right? What your do is my fault because the sun is not a good father/


/ A lot of broken car needs a better do you think isn't last for you to have a spare tire /


/ Never speak with at all. If one day ask Sunday, of course to you, sorry, I really mean it/


/ I don't know where you come from, everyone thinks you are the sick thing and you feel good about yourself/

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