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有没有那么一瞬间心痛过我的执着。Have you ever felt pain in my persistence for a moment?

认真过 努力过 挽留过 最后什么都没有。Seriously, hard, retained, and ended up with nothing.

也不知道什么时候,你的话题里出现了他。I don't know when he appeared in your topic.

终究是敌人,不是故事里的人。After all, it is the enemy, not the person in the story.

停留在消息框里的话到最后也没发送成功。If you stay in the message box, it will not be sent successfully in the end.

都怪我太心急了 才十几岁就有和你共度一生的想法。It's my fault that I was so anxious that I had the idea of spending my life with you when I was a teenager.

若不是失望堆积成绝望,又怎会两眼空欢喜。If disappointment is not piled up into despair, how can my eyes be empty and happy?

不知所措的年纪,做什么都不尽人意。At a lost age, nothing is satisfactory.

能被替代的终究没有那么重要。What can be replaced is not so important after all.

爱会消失,承诺会失效。Love will disappear, and promises will fail.

上一章 4.难过失望的委屈文案. 慕柒文案管最新章节 下一章 6.缺乏安全感的文案.