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本书标签: 动漫同人  七组邀请驻站  苏亦浅邀请驻站   




菲欧娜作者Know what happened without stopping. Why are you so diligent

不用你管作者,况且你什么时候把工资发给我 ,这都24话啦,你还不发给我你好坑哦 ,况且你一旦写到3万字,你就不写了,你就要去完结 啦,乌其他的了 你还没给我工资了

菲欧娜作者不就是工资吗?给你 。🚗🚗🚕🚕🔮📿💷💶💷💶💶💶💶💴💶💴💴💴💶💶💸💵💸💵💸💸🔑🔑💎💎💎💎💰💰💰💰💰💰💰




After that, they all ate Don't let the mighty go to school together Even the teachers were shocked, and they were late for the group this time Or did you come in groups They are afraid that they will not be absent from school together It's been a long time But girls are not easy to mess with. It seems that there can only be those boys And then what? He, and then that teacher Let the boys The toilet has a fever Life,They found that although not convinced, but Here, in addition to WeChat moments You can use the principle, and you can't use it at any other time So they had to ask the girl to clean the toilet Kuang Xia searched or swept the ladies'room (The teacher did it on purpose )

帕洛斯Teacher Do you think I'm a man or a woman

万能人物Teacher :You Tangyuan is from Nanchang, is it a woman If you were a woman, I wouldn't believe it Looks like a mop

帕洛斯Oh, really So if my dad brought I take more money, his father his father play a few more boxing, do you think I am a man, and you don't believe, you can't like my parents They definitely know if I'm a girl And now you're not in a position to speak here

帕洛斯It's time for a new pig in this class, isn't it Teacher in charge of the class teacher I'm sure the headmaster will agree to a new teacher

万能人物teacher :knew I know I was wrong was wrong Please don't let the principal fire me

帕洛斯It's too late to say these words

After that, Dad bought a class teacher to open, in addition to changing a new class teacher This class teacher wants to soak the snails, and they are a little scared Because the head teacher is Big bird

帕洛斯If it isn't the referee? How to come here when the teacher

丹尼尔Actually, you can just call me eldest daughter Brother After all, I'm older than you But How do you know that I'm not from this world

帕洛斯Still need to find the reason? Because I'm smart

帕洛斯And you call me cheap, you hit your second uncle, huh

丹尼尔A good redundant you should you ah, you are the most intelligent, you are the most intelligent, no one than you ah

雷狮Actually we are all acquaintances, then we don't need to go to class Isn't that right? Waiting for you, ear referee

安迷修Le island, this time I agree with you calm, and CAI monitor We

丹尼尔Uh, well Just listen to you. This time in gym class


帕洛斯各位梦该醒啦 ,以后没有我的日子,一定要好好的生活呀 如果能好好生活的话 被我发现你们说没好果子吃哟 各位来再见了

帕洛斯的这些话让他们彻底清醒了 ,是呀,梦也该醒了 ,曾经那个完整的雷狮海盗团 再也回不来了 ,曾经那个满嘴胡话的骗徒 再也回不来了 ,曾经那个耍狗的少年再也回不来了

好啦,本小说到此结束 ,谢谢大家一直以来的关注 ,作者不久后会更新另一篇的 也就是下一本小说 ,我们下一本小说再见啦 ,拜拜

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