1. 把手给我,前程后路都别问,我带你回家。
2. 我与春风皆过客,你携秋水揽星河。
3. “我步步都回头,山是故人眸,柳是纤纤手,遇你之后步步都难走”我要在你身上,做春天曾对樱桃树做的事。
4. 我绕得过江山错落,绕不过你。
5. 人间不值得,但你值得。
6. 有你存在,来日方长。
7. No matter what you say, I believe it. I know that every word and every sentence you say contains affectionate and true love. The true feeling is there and the love is always there. It is true happiness to meet people who know each other in a lifetime!
8. 只能相爱,不能相守,怕遇见太早,不懂得珍惜和你擦肩而过
9. 你成为了我的小众喜好,藏着欣喜不已,炫耀时格外骄傲。
10. 想变成冬天的雪,落在先生的肩。
11. Dear, we can meet and love each other, from holding hands to falling in love. Finally, the day when we reach the knot, we will also have our little family. We work hard together, we cherish this love that comes from encounters. Try not to leave regrets, the next life will be too long. I want to be with you in this life.
12. 你终会是一个人宇宙限量贩售的快乐。
13. 好好生活,慢慢相遇。
14. 养一只我吧,保证很乖。
15. 我关掉月亮,你甚至更明朗。
16. 频繁记录着 因为生活值得。
17. 我爱你,如鲸向海,鸟投林,不可避免,退无可退。
18. 请允许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠。
19. 我喜欢三月的风,四月的雨,不落的太阳和最好的你。
20. Life, life, love, fate have been tempered for a long time, and now in this life, not everyone can be as patient as me, not afraid of wind and rain and thunder and lightning. I still follow you resolutely, and I always miss you and love you!
21. 请允许我成为你的夏季
22. 希望几年之后 叫醒我的不是闹钟 ,而是你的声音。
23. I also have a plan for your kindness. I want you to choose you for the rest of my life. If you let me choose you again, I will still choose you. I have never envied others before loving you. You are also the first one to let me let go. Let me love To those who can't help themselves
24. 你就是盛开着的,漫山遍野的温柔。
25. you are my only. This is the reason why I live my whole life. To make you happy and happy. I will do my best to care for you and protect you. I love you and understand you better. I wish you happiness.