路人甲:现在是什么情况啊?难道新套路吗?(What is the situation now? Is it a new routine?)
路人乙:谁知道呢,这种有病的人脑子有可能也有点病(Who knows, this kind of sick person may also be a little sick in the brain.)
吉晓你还要我怎样?(What do you want from me?)
拉尔我希望你永远不要再出现在这个学校(I hope you never show up at this school again.)
拉尔如果你还在,那我见一次就打一次,反正你能博取别人的同情(If you still want me to hit you every time I see you, you can win people's sympathy anyway.)
拉尔你也不看看这个学校能容得下你吗?有人会对你好吗?(Don't you see if this school can accommodate you? Will someone be good to you?)
拉尔就像现在连老师都不管,那你又有什么资格呢?(Like now even the teacher does not care, then what qualifications do you have?)
吉晓你不就是想让我退学吗?不再出现在这个学校吗?可是我要告诉你我不会退学,但是你如果你要这么玩下去我可以陪你,反正我贱命一条!(Don't you want me to vomit blood? In this school again? But I want to tell you I will not drop out of school, but if you want to play like this, I can accompany you, anyway, I am a cheap life!)
拉尔那好啊!(That's good!)
拉尔你们给我狠狠的揍,只要不出人命,我们以后还有的玩!(You give me a hard beating, as long as no one lives, we will have to play!)
路人甲:是我我会选择退学,因为不像某些人那么傻,等着挨揍!(I would choose to drop out of school, because not as stupid as some people, waiting to be beaten!)
路人乙:现在说这些有什么用呢?本就今天心情不好,刚刚好有一个当沙包,挺不错的!(What's the use of saying this now? Ben is in a bad mood today, just have a sandbag, very good!)