话本小说网 > 同人小说 > Medohn
本书标签: 小说同人  回忆录 



I'm really, really ashamed.

When I was a kid, when I grew up, I was still like this. When I was a kid, when I was a kid, when I grew up, I was, still like this. What do I?


Cats hide their claws

Like some people's teeth, the appearance of white, but that is facing your four teeth. I don't know what kind of setbacks have passed inside, and it's getting darker and darker.


I can hide for a while, I can't hide for a lifetime.

You are too timid to go out alone.

You are very bold, and your family is the home of your hegemony.

You think I don't know, but I already know.

You're free to go in and out, you're free to flip.

You're keeping an eye on me at the same time.

But your actions are inescapable.

I knew that already.

But there's no place for me to hide in this house?


I hate you, I hate you.

It turns out that everyone has their own mind and has their own suffering.

You don't understand me. I don't understand you.

How can the hidden in the bottom of my heart be eliminated?


So that's what you think of me.

I hate dirty words, hey, i swear words, but why am i born into such a family?

Violent beating and scolding.

I can't find a happy home at home. Home is not my destination, which has caused great trauma to my heart.

You think it's better to be a kid? But when I heard that, I started to hate being a kid.

Because the innocent and lovely at that time were covered by this hypocrisy.


Nothing is impossible to a willing mind

There is nothing different in the world ,just for those have a heart.

Believe in myself.

You can do it.

Study hard and make progress every day.


If you can't do it, force yourself.

For myself and for my friends

A better and happier future. Harmonious, beautiful and happy future.

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