话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 我的光遇
本书标签: 轻小说  sky光遇  书浔     




I wish you could give me a message at night or in the early hours of the morning. It doesn't matter if it's short. Tell me that you are thinking about me these days.


How can there be 44 sunsets a day? In fact, I only watched it once, and the other 43 times were tears swirling in my eyes


It's not that I didn't use your last name to fantasize about the names of future children


Why should love be made public? I don't want to take credit for your suffering.

我跟你讲小个故事 在很久很久以前有三只小猪 其他两只都睡着了 就剩下你了。

I'll tell you a little story. Once upon a time, there were three piglets and the other two were asleep, leaving you alone.

“手手和脚脚都藏在被子里了吗?” “藏好了!” “那我要开始讲故事了阿” “OK!” “很久很久以前,有一个可爱的小朋友,因为手手和脚脚都藏在被子里了,所以大灰狼把她的头吃了。

"Are your hands and feet hidden in the quilt?" "Hide it!" "Then I will start telling stories." "OK!" "Once upon a time, there was a lovely child. Because her hands and feet were hidden in the quilt, the wolf ate her head.


With this bright moon, I wish us a long-lasting joy and dream.

夏天恋爱,秋天私奔,如果有空,冬天陪我过冬。Fall in love in summer, elope in autumn, and spend the winter with me if you are free.

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