After 1000 years_________________
anyoneThe little ultra :Look who this is ! The freak no one want !
ZeroAren't you orphans ? Both orphans , who dislike whom?
anyoneThe little ultra : Mouth hard ! Go on hit him !
Than a few little ultras stand around him and rist their fists to hurt him.
(L)SalykesSTOP THAT!!!
anyoneThe little ultra : Another freak no one want.
anyoneThe little ultra : To save your brother ? Won us , then .
(L)SalykesIf it is true…
(L)SalykesI don't need to softhearded .
Then she run to them and stack down that cap .
And kik down the little ultra that want to hit her.
And finish the others .
She let zero stand up.
(L)SalykesIf you want to be respected by others , you must to give actions .
(L)SalykesAnd never be kind to shameless person .
ZeroCan you teach me the fist you've just used ?
(L)SalykesOf course . Let go to the Ultra Arena.
The Ultra Arena….…………………………………………………
They start to do some drill.
Lion who was conduct a course was surprised when he saw the twins .
He is taking over a class for Seven.
And he see them.
After class , he runs to The Space Garrison in a hurry and open the door.
Seven takes his head up over a mountain of documents .
LionI have seen Lily and Zero at the arena!
LionLily is drilling Zero!
Seven frowmed.
SevenJust looking at them , may be they will become powerful .
At the moment…
Salykes is running with Zero .
(L)SalykesWhassat,brother?Only 88 circles more .
Zero is almost slumped on the floor .
ZeroOH ! I CAN'T !!
It's too dreadful !