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那天去小卖部阿姨习惯性的拿了两瓶给我 我摆了摆手说一瓶就够了阿姨转过身对我说 以后走夜路小心点没有人陪你回去了。

When I went to the store that day, my aunt habitually took two bottles for me. I waved my hand and said one bottle was enough. My aunt turned around and said to me, "Be careful when you walk at night.

刚才在车上看见一个人很像你 渴望是你又害怕是你 直到看清不是你 我庆幸不是你又遗憾不是你。

Just now in the car saw a person like you long for you and fear is you until I see it is not you, I am glad it is not you and regret it is not you.


This era can not bear my parents that time of simple love, no material commitment is pale.


He likes you as fast as he likes others, but you always think you are special. In fact, the freshness and enthusiasm of people almost disappear very quickly.


I don't want to lie, I have secretly looked at you, but I always avoid your eyes, when you turn to leave, I stare at your back to see for a long time, I just like you.


American man wrote 700 letters to his long-distance girlfriend who ended up marrying a mailman. Tell me what love is.


When taking a bath to tune to the favorite song so far, before eating must find the next meal drama, how can this kind of person on the feelings of compromise.


Grandpa survived the war, Dad the famine, but I can't survive the peace.

就有一瞬间情绪上来了 就特别想见他 但是我知道我可以偷偷哭可以情绪崩溃 但是我不能拿起手机发不该发的信息。

But I know I can cry in secret, I can break down emotionally, but I can't pick up the phone and send messages that I shouldn't send.

每一个更新动态的人 都带着某种心情告诉某种人 可惜某种人不懂。

Every update dynamic people with some mood to tell some people it is a pity that some people do not understand.

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