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我想慢慢的爱你比起轰轰烈烈的爱 我更喜欢慢慢的爱你 一点一点一点的爱上你然后就是你只能是你.

I want to love you slowly, I prefer to love you slowly, bit by bit, and then you can only be you.

我不懂什么是合适 世界上没有天生就配对的两个人 如果你愿意和我并肩 我就会努力成为你那个合适的人 知道了嘛 小笨蛋.

I don't know what fit is. There's no two people in this world that are born for each other. If you will stand next to me, I will try to be the right person for you.

我会老老实实喜欢你 不羡慕别人 不计较太多在喜欢你的日子里被你喜欢 这样挺好的 我再也不想错过了.

I will like you honestly, don't envy others, don't care too much. It's good to be liked by you in the days when I like you. I don't want to miss it any more.

特别羡慕的一句话:你陪我前程似锦 我陪你成家立业 你教会我生活和烟火 我带给你希望和未来 我们一起慢慢到老.

You have taught me about life and fireworks. I have brought you hope and the future. We grow old together.

我想要你的首选 你的例外 你的偏爱和最爱 想要你一直陪着我 只要你在我就超级有底气.

I want your first choices, your exceptions, your favoureds, your favorites, I want you to be with me all the time, so long as you're with me, I'm super confident.

我会给你我全部的安全感 会给你细水流长的宠 爱吵架的时候让着你 我们会在一起很久 会一年又一年十年又十年一定会 肯定会 绝定会.

I'll give you all my security, I'll give you all my security, I'll give you all my security, I'll give you all my security, I'll give you all my security, I'll give you all my security, I'll give you all my security.

电话你先挂 聊天我垫底 走在路.上我牵着你的手 鞋带散了我给你系 有事你--定要告诉我 在我这里 世界在后 你在前.

You hang up the phone to chat with me at the bottom of the road. I take your hand, the shoelace is loose, I tie you something. you must tell me that the world is behind me, and you are before me.

最有安全感的大概就是你醒来第一个找的认识我 睡觉前最后一个说话的还是我 你的全世界都是我我我我我我我我.

The most sense of security is probably you wake up the first to find know me to sleep before the last to talk to me or me your whole world is me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.

小孩 在我面前你不用小心翼翼 你可以任性 可以无理取闹 不用担心什么 因为你在我这被我安稳的爱着 你永远是我的偏爱和例外.

Children in front of me, you don't have to be careful, you can be capricious, you can make trouble without reason, you don't have to worry about anything, because you are in my stable love, you will always be my preference and exception.

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