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小何最动人的情话不是'我爱你",而是我恍惚听到天气预报说今天有你。 The most touching love words are not "I love you", but I am in a trance to hear the weather report saying that you are here today.

小何我明白,有的人或早或晚终究会离开,即便终有一散,也别辜负了相遇。好好相遇,好好告别。 I understand that some people will leave sooner or later. Even if they are separated, don't let them down. Meet and say goodbye.

小何发了动态又删除,是因为这一刻讨厌上一秒矫情的自己。 The dynamic and deleted, because this moment hate on a second melodramatic yourself.

小何你反复推开别人 直到确定自己是例外才安心,结果你一推一个准。 You push others away again and again until you are sureHe is an exception to peace of mindAs a result, you pushed for the right one.

小何我本来就很麻烦,情绪很多,爱哭粘人,胡思乱想,这些换谁谁都接受不了, 我知道, 所以我没有打算成为谁的偏爱。 I am already very troublesome, I have a lot of emotions, I like crying and clinging to people, and I think that nobody can accept these changes.

小何解释这个东西让我看起来像个罪人。 Explaining this makes me look like a sinner.

小何我透过八倍镜对你一见钟情,你却一把98k把我淘汰。 I fell in love with you at first sight through the eight times mirror, but you knocked me out with a 98K.

小何都是这么大的人了,那些无人可说的不开心和心酸,自己解决就好,就不要再想着谁能来哄你了。 As an adult, those unhappy and sad things can be solved by yourself, so don't think about who can coax you.

小何酸甜苦辣我自己尝,喜怒哀乐我自己扛,我就是自己的太阳,无须凭借谁的光。 I taste the bitterness and bitterness myself. I carry the joys and sorrows myself. I am my own sun without relying on whose light.

小何对别人生气1分钟,就失去了自己人生中60秒的快乐。 For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness in your life.

小何成长就像走夜路一样,既没有灯也没啥人,但正因为黎明很美,所以你要酷酷的走下去。 Growth is like walking at night, neither lights nor what people, but because the dawn is beautiful, so you have to cool down.

小何别人的目光一点都不重要,你只管按照自己的喜好,去决定你的人生,愿你能过得简单 从容。 Other people's eyes are not important, you just according to their own preferences, to determine your life, may you can be simple and easy.

小何有一种好朋友,各自有各自的生活,但无论在哪里,只要需要的时候,一回头,就找得到对方。 There is a kind of good friend, each has his own life, but no matter where, as long as the need, as long as the back, can find each other.

小何屏幕前的女孩呀,虽然我不认识你,但我知道,你勇敢,你可爱,你漂亮,你能拥有幸福快乐的一生! The girl in front of the screen, although I do not know you, but I know, you are brave, you are lovely, you are beautiful, you can have a happy life!

小何捕几只萤火虫的光,铺一张舒适的床,采几许晚霞的美,编织你温暖的梦,挂漫天闪亮的星辉,留一句晚安好梦给你 Make up the light of some fireflies. Make a comfortable bed. To allow the beauty of sunset. It's your warm dream. The shining stars in the sky. Goo

小何今晚的月亮是我抛的硬币,两面都是梦见你哟 Tonight's moon It's my coin. Both sides dream of you

小何突然睡不着了,在数羊的时候,突然有一只小羊站了出来对我说“请你用心一点,你已经数过我一次。” Suddenly I couldn't sleep. Because when counting sheep. Suddenly there was a lamb. Stand up and say to me. Please pay attention. You have counted. Cooke

小何我会带着月亮的温柔和星星的光亮顺着银河进入你的梦里。 I will take the tenderness of the moon. And star scattered. Along the Milky way Into your dreams

小何甩掉白天的不快,捋捋烦躁的心情,带上美好的希望,进入梦乡 Get rid of all the unhappiness during the day. Smooth your restlessness. With good hope. Fall asleep

小何只是因为太年轻,所以那么多的悲伤和快乐都显得特别深刻。晚安~ The whole world Because it's too young. therefore. So much sadness and happiness. All appear Special depth. course. Good night

小何我始终坚信,即使再黑暗的夜也会走到尽头,并迎来曙光,我走遍了全世界,到了最后才发现,自己的笑容才是最美的风景。晚安 I always believe. Even in the dark night. It's going to end. And usher in the dawn. I've traveled all over the world. It wasn't until the end

小何原来喜欢一个人,会从心跑到眼睛,再从眼睛跑到关于你的每个角落去,它还会随左心房泵入血液里,欢乐地流淌在身体的每一处。 Originally like a person, will run from the heart to the eyes, and then from the eyes to every corner about you, it will pump into the blood

小何你的每一次低头都是温柔,每一次微笑都是温暖,何其有幸,能够遇见你,陪伴你。 Every time you bow your head is gentle, every smile is warm, how lucky to meet you and accompany you.

小何大概只是因为,一瞬间你的一颦一笑,仅此而已,我便毫无犹豫的赌上了,悸动 心跳 狂喜与暗自决定。 Maybe it's just because, for a moment, your frown and smile, that's all, I'm not hesitant to bet, throbbing, heart beating, ecstasy and secretly decidi

小何你知道心字为什么是三个点吗? 因为爱你多一点,想你多一点,宠你多一点。 Do you know why the heart word is three points? because Love you a little more, miss you a little more, pet you a little more.

小何所谓完美,就是耳机音量刚好盖过外界噪音,闹钟响起时你刚好自然醒,我爱你,刚好你也喜欢我。 The so-called perfect is that the earphone volume just covers the external noise, when the alarm clock rings, you just wake up naturally, I love you, just

小何明明那么愉快的聊天,就快聊到心里面,却默契的一直兜圈,我们有那么多的喜欢,却各有各自的小小世界。 Clearly so happy chat, quickly chat to the heart, but tacit has been around, we have so many likes, but each has its own small world.

小何如果有一场关于喜欢的考试 , 也许我能拿九分 , 而最后一分的放弃 , 是无法将你藏之与己。 If there is a test about liking, maybe I can get nine points, and the last point of giving up is not to hide you with yourself.

小何跟着我走,双脚踩在沙滩上迎着感动,不需要海枯石烂的温柔,只要你每天都属于我,顺心呵护我,保护着爱你的我。 Follow me, step on the beach with both feet, don't need to be tender, as long as you belong to me every day, take good care of me and protect me w

小何你说你吧,长得好看也就算了,还长成了我喜欢的样子。你让我怎么办啊? You say you, even if you look good, you look like I like. What do you want me to do?

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