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七七我想再等等一个不可能的可能。 I want to wait for an impossible possibility. 这世上从不缺乏让人心动的新鲜感。 There is never a lack of freshness that makes people's hearts excited. 是你察觉不到我的任何情绪。 You can't detect any emotions in me. 那我们就这样吧,反正早就这样了。 Let's just do it, anyway. 你为什么要把我捂热了又丢掉。 Why are you covering me up and throwing it away. 时间从来不等人,等你的是我。 Time never waits for anyone, I am waiting for you. 如果不是太失望,我可以陪你很久。 If not too disappointed, I can stay with you for a long time. 太难了,为了那些毫无希望的事。 Too difficult, for those hopeless things. 我总不能跑到你面前说舍不得你吧。 I can't run to you and say I can't bear you. 长篇大论和温柔都给了错的人。 Long talk and gentleness are given to the wrong person. 实际上有些感情只有你自己在遗憾。 In fact, there are some feelings that only you regret. 留不住的东西就扔远一点,不然就活该被绊。 Throw away things you can't keep, or you deserve to be tripped.

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