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七七在脆弱的时候最容易被简单的话感动,不是吗? It’s easiest to be moved by simple words when you are fragile, right? 什么都会结束,就是烦恼没完没了。 Everything will end, but the troubles are endless. 什么都在变,不必感慨从前。 Everything is changing, so don't sigh with emotion. 别人开心死了,我开心死了。 Others are so happy, I am so happy. 人一旦有了期待,心情就会忽明忽暗。 Once a person has expectations, his mood will be bright and dark. 开心好累啊,装不下去了。 I'm so happy and tired, I can't hold on anymore. 敏感的人,总要承受双倍的难过。 Sensitive people always suffer twice as much sadness. 其实那些坎我一个都没过去,真的。 In fact, I haven't passed any of those hurdles, really. 女孩子不开心的时候打字都是带句号的。 When girls are unhappy, they always type with a full stop. 我自己说不出口的总希望别人多问一句。 I can't say it myself, I always hope others will ask more. 有些事,我能想通,我也能接受,但我很难受。 There are some things that I can figure out, and I can accept them, but I feel bad. 只不过恢复原样罢了,本来我就一无所有。 It's just going back to the original state, I originally had nothing.

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