七七要问姐妹做多久,心跳多久就多久。 Ask the sisters how long to do it, as long as the heartbeat. 想和你做彼此心事的靠山,想和你永远好奇又贪玩。 I want to be the backer of each other's concerns with you, and I want to be always curious and playful with you. 小朋友,在我这里你永远比别人都好。 Children, you will always be better than others with me. 友情这个东西真奇妙啊,把我们两个小朋友绑在一起,一起做有趣的事。 Friendship is really amazing. It binds our two children together and do fun things together. 与闺蜜有关的每一句,我都送给你。 I will give you every sentence related to my girlfriend. 发现丑照如数珍宝,打死都不删。 Found that the ugly photos are as many treasures, they will not be deleted. 我能失恋十次,但不能失去你一次。 I can lose love ten times, but I can't lose you once. 靠的住的友情是最温暖的外套。 The friendship of relying on living is the warmest coat. 希望我们可以共同奔赴到最远的未来。 Hope we can go to the furthest future together. 这个世界总要讲点道理,可我独独偏向你。 There is always something to be said in this world, but I am biased towards you alone. 友谊不需要句子,我和你就是最好的证明。 Friendship does not need sentences. Me and you are the best proof. 今天有我今天开心,天天有我天天开心,你有了我永远开心。 Today I am happy today, I am happy every day, and I am always happy with you.