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There will be fried chestnuts and new encounters in autumn.


In fact, When people mention you, I have a serious eavesdropping.

夜里看海一定要闭上眼睛 至少这样可以拥抱.

Look at the sea at night with your eyes closed at least so you can hug.

冬天太冷了 你就好好把手放在兜里 不要挥手 不要告别.

If it's too cold in winter, just put your hands in your pockets and don't wave or say goodbye.

近况好吗 开心吗 顺利吗 和想见的人见面了吗.

How are you doing? Are you having a good time? Did you meet someone you wanted to see?

我就不祝你前程似锦了 我祝你马到成功 乘风破浪 披荆斩棘我们高处见.

I don't wish you a bright future I wish you a successful ride through the wind and waves we see high.

秋天真好啊 穿大大的毛衣 喝热乎乎的奶茶 看落叶余晖 吹温柔晚风 这一切都温柔的刚刚好.

It's so nice to wear a big sweater and drink hot milk tea. Watching the falling leaves blowing gently in the evening breeze, all these things are just right.

那时正值盛夏 刚好开学 他在我后边.

It was the middle of summer and school was starting and he was behind me.

树叶落到了玻璃板上 我说了一句我爱你

The leaves fell on the glass and I said I love you


Season change, a lot of people forget a lot of people, a lot of people replaced a lot of people.


To this day, you are still my light.


No one can replace you. I wish I could be in your place.




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