Firestar: a ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt, leader of ThunderClan
Brambleclaw: dark brown tabby tom, deputy of ThunderClan
Lionblaze: golden tabby tom with amber eyes, warrior
Hollyleaf: black she-cat with green eyes, warrior
Jaypaw: gray tabby tom with blue eyes, apprentice medicine cat
Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jaypaw are littermates; Jaypaw is blind
Blackstar: large white tom with huge jet-black paws, leader of ShadowClan
Russetfur: dark ginger she-cat, deputy of ShadowClan
Onestar: brown tabby tom, leader of WindClan
Ashfoot: gray she-cat, deputy of WindClan
Whitetail: small white she-cat, warrior (non-speaking part)
Breezepaw: black tom, Whitetail’s apprentice
Leopardstar: spotted golden tabby she-cat, leader of RiverClan
Mistyfoot: gray she-cat, deputy of RiverClan
Brightspirit: a silver tabby she-cat
Shiningheart: a silver tabby she-cat, Brightspirit’s mother
Braveheart: a dark tabby tom, Brightspirit’s father
In addition, use as many extras as possible to be cats in each of the four main Clans at
the Gathering, reacting appropriately to their leaders’ startling admissions that they
are starving (with the exception of the ThunderClan cats, who are smugly well-fed). . . .