话本小说网 > 灵异悬疑小说 > hide——and——seek
本书标签: 灵异悬疑  七组邀请驻站  复仇   



There was a doctor who wanted money so much that he killed a little girl and sold her organs

As a result, I'm worried all day

I'm afraid she'll get revenge

Sure enough, one day he woke up in a strange place

The girl sang and said

小女孩Ding Dong, I know you can hear me

小女孩Open the door

小女孩I just want to play with you

小女孩Ding Dong

小女孩You can't keep me waiting

小女孩It's too late for you to try to escape

小女孩I saw you through the window

小女孩Our eyes are locked together

小女孩I can feel your fear

小女孩But I want to look closer

小女孩Ding Dong

小女孩I've come to see you


小女孩Let's play a little game

小女孩Ding Dong

小女孩Where have you been?

小女孩Do you think you've won?

小女孩Our game is just beginning

小女孩I heard your footsteps

小女孩There was a thump in the corridor

小女孩I can hear your rapid breathing

小女孩You're really not good at hiding

小女孩Wait. You can't escape. I'm here

小女孩Dong Dong, I'm in front of your door

小女孩I'm in. Oh, I don't need your permission

小女孩Dong Dong, I'm in your room

小女孩Where are you hiding?

小女孩Our game is coming to an end

小女孩I'm closer

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