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姜柠溪1.你的爱绝对不是复制品,你可以看到某些人对你独一无二的爱。 Your love is definitely not a copy, you can see some people's unique love for you.

姜柠溪2. 在这样漫长的时间当中,没有我愿意。无论爱情也好,生活也罢,一切的尘埃落定都是在别人给予你幸福的同时,去感受那一份责任感。 In such a long time, I didn't want to. No matter love or life, all the dust settled is to feel the sense of responsibility while others give you happiness.

姜柠溪3. 如果你真的想快乐的话,就不要太清醒。 If you really want to be happy, don't be too sober.

姜柠溪4.想快乐就不要太清醒 Don't be too sober if you want to be happy

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