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姜柠溪1.你可以不简单地只做鸡汤,但我相信,总会有那么多人对你感兴趣。 I'm sure you can't just have a simple chicken soup, and I'm sure there will always be people interested in you.

姜柠溪2.这种心境不言自明,却又恰如其分地表达了内心。 That mood is self-evident, but it is precisely enough to express the heart.

姜柠溪3.这世上最幸福的事情大概就是为理想而奋斗,有诗有远方。 The happiest thing in the world is probably to fight for the ideal, with poetry and distance.

姜柠溪4.不要总把自己放在尘世中,忘记爱与坚持,虽然有许多人,回归平淡的生活,被时间打磨,但我相信你。永远特殊。 You also do not always fall into the world, forget the love and persistence, although there are many people, return to the plain life, by time, but I believe you. It's always special.

姜柠溪5.这世界也许在最开始,所有的人都从平平淡淡中一点点走出来,你隐藏的是个性,会告诉你一定会绽放的美丽。 The world may be the beginning, we are all from the flat a little bit out, you hide is the personality, will tell you will bloom the beauty.

姜柠溪6.我很了解你,因为你和我一样,也有自己想要看到的风景。 You know, I know you well, because you and I have the same scenery to see.

姜柠溪7.假如你拥有温柔和善良,不要轻易放弃,尘埃落定前总会有星辰大海环绕着你。 你们的世界一定和别人不一样,尽管多了一些坎坷,却总有属于自己的好运。 Your world must be different from others, although more bumpy, but eventually have their own luck.

姜柠溪8. 但愿你能像个傻子一样等着,因为我会陪着你。 I wish you could wait like a fool, because I'll be with you.

姜柠溪9.没有像他那样光彩夺目的时刻,只是觉得世界上还有值得相聚的人。 It's not like his glorious moments, it's just that there are people in this world who deserve to be together.


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