姜柠溪1、因为热爱,所以无悔。 Because of love, so no regret. 2、砥砺前行,未来可期。 Forge ahead and look forward to the future. 3、隐藏野心,静待时机。 Hide your ambition and wait for the opportunity. 4、往后余生,干净自由。 For the rest of my life, clean and free.  5、不慌不忙,来日方长。 Don't be in a hurry. There's a long way to go. 6、满眼醉意,心里是你。 Drunk eyes, heart is you. 7、一生无爱,洒脱自由。 Life without love, free and easy. 8、爱情是糖,甜到心伤。 Love is sugar, sweet to the heart.  9、没有依靠,被逼坚强。 No dependence, forced to be strong. 10、往事归零,醉梦一生。 The past return to zero, drunk dream life. 11、若能预知,但愿不识。 If you can predict, I hope not. 12、散了流年,淡了曾经。 Scattered fleeting time, light once.  13、凡有等待,就有启程。 Where there is a wait, there is a departure. 14、单枪匹马,不惧不怕。 Alone, you are not afraid. 15、愿你温柔,清澈明朗。 May you be gentle and clear. 16、好好生活,如约而至。 Live a good life, as promised.  17、逆光而来,静待美好。 Come against the light and wait for the best. 18、双向奔赴,意义非凡。 It is of great significance to go two-way. 19、保持善良,也要勇敢。 Be kind and brave. 20、爱的真切,走的坦荡。 Love is real, walk magnanimous.  21、世间万物,不及有你。 Everything in the world is not as good as you. 22、有人等待,有梦追寻。 There are people waiting, there are dreams to pursue. 23、破晓而生,踏浪而来。 Born at the break of the day, come on the waves. 24、山中有眠,枕的是月。 There is sleep in the mountain, the pillow is the moon.