姜柠溪14、你看天上的乌云,像不像我吃醋时生的闷气。 Look at the dark clouds in the sky. Do you think they look like the sulk I got when I was jealous.
姜柠溪. 13、委婉的告诉你,我吃醋了,你快来哄我,不然我真的生气了。 Tactfully tell you, I am jealous, you quickly coax me, otherwise I really angry.
姜柠溪12、你吃饺子喜欢蘸料不,我喜欢蘸醋。 You like dumplings dipped in ingredients No, I like vinegar
姜柠溪11、你有没有发现空气中弥漫着浓浓的醋味,好酸呀! Have you found that the air is filled with a strong smell of vinegar, so sour!
姜柠溪10、不是我不够大度,只是我对于你特别看重。 It's not that I'm not generous enough, it's just that I attach great importance to you.
姜柠溪9、我困了,先睡了,嗯,随便,你说什么都行。 I'm sleepy. I sleep first. Well, whatever you say.
姜柠溪8、我送你的东西,你送给别人了吗? What I gave you,Did you give it to someone else?
姜柠溪我们都像小孩,胡闹是因为依赖;礼貌,是因为是陌生。 主动,是因为在乎。 不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。
姜柠溪人不该太清醒,过去的事情就让它过去,不必反复咀嚼。一生不长,重要的事儿也没那么多。天亮了,又赚了。 -- 冯唐 《春风十里不如你》