话本小说网 > 穿越小说 > 快穿之攻略你只是我的任务而已
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没有收到过喜欢的花 没有比我多的长篇作文 消息 也没人爱我三五年

I have never received a flower I like. There is no more long composition or news than me. No one loves me for three to five years.

可不可以重视一下我小心翼翼说出的不满和难过 有些话我说了一遍两遍三遍 我就真的不想再提了

Can you pay attention to the dissatisfaction and sadness I uttered carefully? Some things I said twice, three times, I really don’t want to mention them again


I am even jealous of passers-by who see you on the street


When will you understand that the trivial life that I send you every day is an expression of love


Anyway, it’s not the first time I’ve figured out and pretended to be confused


You've just been heartbroken and didn't choose me firmly


I taught you everything, but in the end you belonged to someone else

其实你不知道, 你给我糖的时候,别人给我蛋糕,只是我没要,后来我发现,你也有蛋糕,但你没给我

Actually you don’t know. When you gave me candy, someone gave me cake, but I didn’t ask for it. Later I found out that you also have cake, but you didn’t give it to me.

撒娇是察觉到了被偏爱的可能 ,收敛是知道了自己和他不可能

Acting like a baby is aware of the possibility of being favored, and to converge is to know that it is impossible for himself and him


A girl loses because she doesn’t want to win at all, just wants to be loved


It's not that you haven't used your last name to imagine the children's names in the future


Wish you find the girl you like, after all, I really want to see what a perfect score is like




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