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本书标签: 明星同人  BTS金泰亨  EXO边伯贤     



1、但愿那些不为人知的你 都有被好好珍藏

I hope that those who do not know you have a good treasure.


You'll end up being a one-man universe selling a limited amount of happiness.

3、喜欢你 没有生产日期 也没有保质期

Like you, no production date, no expiration date.


Some people drink wine and talk about romance and love with shining eyes.


Try your best even if you can't do the best.

6、接下来的日子要开开心心 全力以赴了

The next day will be happy to go all out.


People bury their unspeakable love in the soil.

8、记得在这杂乱的生活里 每天带点笑意

Remember to smile every day in this messy life.

9、从此天光大亮 你是我全部的渴望与幻想

From then on, you are all my desire and fantasy.

10、月色暗淡还有星辰 山河失色你还有我

The moon is dim and the stars and the mountains and rivers are pale and you and I

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