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iWaiting for snowflakes, Christmas trees, New Year fireworks, and better us.

i十二月了 我想要十二个男朋友不过分吧。

iIt’s December. I don’t want twelve boyfriends too much.


iIn December, I hope you don’t lack money in Kali, and don’t lose sleep at night.


iNow you can say you are alone from the widowhood to the end of the year.


iIt's too cold, I don't hold the sword anymore, I want a man to hold my hand.


iIn December, there is the first snow and hot coffee, there are elk and Christmas trees, there are New Year’s bells and countdowns. All bad things are experiences, and all good things will meet at the end.


iIn December, Santa Claus will come to your appointment with elk and surprises, and New Year’s fireworks will be waiting to heal you at a certain corner.


iIn the winter of December, the ancient city is as old as Xueluo Long Street, meeting you for the first time.


iDon't worry, the love lost in November will be brought to you in December.


iI want to watch the snow with you in December. It doesn’t work if there is no snow, but it’s not December, but you can’t.


iAfter December, we will go to the mountains to watch a spring snow together.

i这是21世纪10年代的最后一个冬天了 希望有人可以陪你踩雪吃火锅。

iThis is the last winter of the 2010s. I hope someone can accompany you to eat hot pot in the snow.

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