冷七公子13.滚烫的青春,有很多过程,经历过就变成了大人。 Hot youth, there are many processes, after experiencing it, you become an adult.
冷七公子14.让你变好的事情 过程都不会是轻松的。 Things that make you better will never be easy.
冷七公子15.种一棵树最好的时间十年前,其次就是现在。 The best time to plant a tree ten years ago, followed by now.
冷七公子16.在努力,就是去见未来你想见的人。 Working hard is to meet the person you want to meet in the future.
冷七公子17. 同是寒窗苦读 怎愿甘拜下风。 I'm both studying hard at the same time.
冷七公子18.你要悄悄地拔尖,然后惊艳所有人。 You have to be quietly top-notch, and then surprise everyone.
冷七公子19.所有的一切都是为了迎接那封令人羡艳的通知书。 Everything is to welcome that enviable notice.
冷七公子20.同时风华正茂 何甘他人之后。 At the same time, it’s magnificent, He Gan after others.
冷七公子21.只要你还要愿意努力,世界就会给你惊喜。 As long as you are willing to work hard, the world will surprise you.
冷七公子22.不要抱怨读书苦,那是你看清世界的路。 Don’t complain about the hardship of studying, that’s your way to see the world clearly.
冷七公子23.有人说高考是排位赛,但赢家不是排位决定的。 Some people say that the college entrance examination is qualifying, but the winner is not determined by ranking.
冷七公子24.世界大雨滂沱,无人为你背负更多。 The world is in torrential rain, no one carries more for you.