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不愿意长大的人,总在- -瞬间长大。

Don't want to grow up, always grow up in aninstant.

所有人都让我努力,可是没人让我快乐。.Everyone makes me work hard, but no onemakes me happy.


Do not bow your head, for your father has heldyou above his head.

这个世界太喧闹了,让安静的人显得有点傻。The world is too noisy, let the quiet peopleseem a little silly.

我本可以忍受黑暗,如果我不曾见过太阳。| could have borne the darkness if I had neverseen the sun.

爸妈都没有给过的委屈,在学校里面受遍了。Parents have not been wronged, in the schoolsuffered all the time.


To learn to grow up, one person is worth athousand troops and horses.


One end of the train is always concernedabout, the other end is always yearning.


Girls do not study, the future only go to

endless markets and buy endless street stallsgoods, this is not good but very true.


Life is like a cup of plain boiled water, youdrink every day, don't envy other people drinkall sorts of color, but may not have your (ojwater quench his thirst.

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