You should look at the north, Guangzhou andShenzhen, where lights are on all night, insteadof the small county where taxis don't run ateleven o'clock this evening.
Folk songs are very literary, but the wine inpubs is not cheap, just like if we don't workhard, we can't even support our feelings.
The greatest significance of hard work is tolet yourself have the ability to jump out of thecircle you hate at any time.
Please try harder for the people you want tosee, the things you want to do and the self youwant to be.
Everything you have learned and every
suffering you have suffered will come into useat some point in your life.
No one's life will always be perfect, but
whenever you look ahead, you will be invinciblewith hope.
Someone will love me well. With his tacky andpassionate love, let me know that I deserveto be loved and affirmed, and deserve all thegood things in the world.
You can go crazy or even break down andcry at night, but | hope that at dawn, you canwithstand the pressure from all directions andcontinue to work hard with a smile.
Life is expected to wear autumn waters, andthere will be unexpected surprises. Today,we should work hard. No matter how longlife takes to get better, we must first makeourselves better.
愿你沉淀又执着,对每件热爱的事物,都全力以赴又满载而归,变成-个美好的人,做美好的事。你坚持的东西,总有- -天会反过来拥抱你
May you settle down and persist, go all outand return home with a full load for everythingyou love, and become a beautiful person anddo beautiful things. What you insist on will oneday embrace you in turn.