河里的虾跟海里的虾是不能生活在一起的。Shrimp in the river can't live together withshrimp in the sea.
明明没有人等我,为什么我还频频回头看。Clearly no one is waiting for me, why do I lookback frequently.
| have never felt lonely. To put it romantically, |am completely free.
谁也没有规定- - -朵花必须长成向日葵或者玫瑰。
No one stipulates that a flower must grow intoa sunflower or a rose.
What is funny is not the traffic lights, not thetiming, but the countless hesitations.
The winter snow in Italy kills the summer, andthe flames in the fireplace can't dry the tears ofteenagers.
Freshness is to experience new things with oldpeople, not old things with new people.
The fact is, as soon as you show up, I becomefaint and stupid, but | can't excuse that theweather is too hot.
| am eager to meet you, but I know clearly thatit is meaningful for us to meet only when youwant to meet me.
那些对不起,就像是机场延误的一句抱歉,瓶盖.上的谢谢惠顾,都是空泛无义的礼貌话语。I'm sorry, just like an apology for the airportdelay, and thanks for your patronage on thebottle cap are empty and meaningless politewords.
"Suddenly" is a good word, as if everything isnot cherished and caught off guard, it can beattributed to suddenly, suddenly getting it andsuddenly losing it.
每个人都有自己的打算,平日对话的真假都别太较真,时间对了或许你会发现,. 上次他说要去摘星星,原来是真的。
Everyone has their own plans, so don't be tooserious about the truth of daily conversations.When the time is right, you may find that thelast time he said he was going to pick stars, itturned out to be true.