“hi。”Wilson和对面这个微胖的男人对视了几秒,想了想道,“It was a great game, wasn't it?”(很精彩的比赛,不是吗?)
“But I didn't expect you to stand up and congratulate him.”(但我没想到你会站起来祝贺。)叶修听着Wilson的话愣了半秒,随即反击道。
“I had no idea your level of glory was so good. ”(我也没想到你的《荣耀》水平居然会这么好。)Wilson推了推自己的眼镜,“The average person wouldn't have thought of such a brilliant way of putting up an unfilled skill point, and few would have seen it through.”(一般人可不会想到这种把技能点没加满的放水高招,也很少有人能够识破这种高招。)
“This is also a generation of captain's good intentions ah. ”(这也是一代队长的良苦用心啊。)叶修掸了掸手中的烟灰,“Good choice. Which one?”(眼光不错。哪个服的?)
“You don't ask me which team I belong to?”(你不问我是哪个战队的?)这回轮到一向胸有成竹的Wilson傻眼了,这明显不在预算范围之内啊。
“Is it necessary? Alliance team so a few, so a few of the technology, if you are which new, now will not be here to chat. To be exact, I don't think you are a foreign aid in the league.”(有必要吗?联盟里战队就那么几家,有技术的就那么几个,你如果是哪家新人,现在就不会是在这里聊天了。准确的说,哥看你压根儿就不是联盟里的哪家外援。)叶修把抽完的烟头,扔进了垃圾箱,“Let's go. The next one's on.Have a chance to brush together.”(走了,下一场要开始了。有机会一起刷本啊。)
另一边的Wilson也接受伙伴们的层层询问,“Where have you been? So long.”(你去哪儿了?这么久)
“Sorry, I met a master to chat more”(抱歉抱歉,遇到个高手多聊了几句。)
“What master can make our famous calculator forget us?”(什么高手能让我们的大名鼎鼎的计算器,把我们给忘了呀?)karlin笑的一脸八卦。
“What are you thinking? It's a guy! The man!”(你在想什么,是个男的!男的!)Wilson被karlin的调侃,弄得一阵鸡皮疙瘩。
“Not to mention, there are really masters here.”Robbins赞同着Wilson的观点,又急着向Wilson求证,“Is it the one with the blond hair and the big, big talk?”(是不是那个一头黄头发话特别特别多的那个?)
“No, he doesn't talk much. He's a bit of a prude and a bit of a sneer, but he's a master. Feels like a senior.”(不,他的话不多。虽然有点不正经还有点嘲讽的感觉,但是他是个高手。感觉像个前辈。)Wilson试着回忆刚刚跟叶修的感觉,“Although there is a big difference between him and Mr. Wu is a kind of person.”(虽然差别很大,但我总感觉他跟Mr.吴是一类人。)
“There are so many masters, and Huang is not the only one. Robbins, why do you think a good guy is Huang?”(高手那么多,又不止黄一个。Robbins,你怎么见个高手就以为是黄啊。)Jackson别过脸去,默念I don't know this guy. I haven't been to g city with him.(我不认识这家伙。我没跟他一起去过g市。)
“In that case, let's pay him a visit later. If I'm right, the master should be sitting in front of us.”(既然如此,那一会儿我们去拜访一下他吧。如果我看的没错的话,那位大高手应该就坐在我们的前面吧。)Edward一向喜欢单刀直入主题,“Look, this game is over”(看,这一场比赛已经结束了)