冰(确实不太可能,火烈宗的大弟子等级比你高,还是双亚龙灵兽,才89层而已)(It is really unlikely that the big disciple of the Fire Sect is higher than you, or the Shuangya Dragon Spirit Beast, only 89 floors)
周墨枫(那只能说明他的实力是个摆设)(that only shows that his strength is a decoration)
周墨枫(没事的话我先告辞了)(all right, I'll be leaving now)
贾思(这个新来的太嚣张了)The new comer is too arrogant.
冰(喂,就算是嚣张也不是你能动的人,而且当着我的面说他是不是不太好啊?)(hey, even arrogance is not you move, and said he is not so good in front of me? )
(贾思立即离开这里,其他人也没在意他去干什么)(Jia Si immediately left here, and the others did not care what he did.)
冰(好像比以前厉害点了啊)(It seems to be more severe than before)
冰(算了……反正不影响我们的计划就行)(forget it... Anyway, it doesn't affect our plan)
(冰在原地摇摇头就离开了)(ice in situ shook his head and left)
贝贝(老大现在要去干嘛?)(The boss is going to do now? )
周墨枫(竟然宗门里面有魔物……我去看看其他人吧,你们在异世界里面待好,有事会叫你们出来的)(There is a demon in Zongmen... I will go and see other people, you stay in a different world, something will call you out)
(……周墨枫回到宗门)(... Zhou Mofeng returned to Zongmen)
周墨枫(怎么这么多人都魔气上身了?)(How come so many people are possessed? )
超级系统(被魔气上身又没感觉)(I don't feel the upper body of the devil)
周墨枫(……最严重的好像是宗主了,都深入骨髓了……)(... The most serious seems to be the patriarch, all deep into the bone marrow...)
超级系统(这必须要放血了)(This must be bled)
本章完End of this chapter