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贾思(刿?那家伙不是大长老的弟子吗?他不可能认识你)(Gui? That guy is not a disciple of the elders? He can't know you

贾思(你到底是谁?)Who are you? )

周墨枫(都说来我是来找人的,你硬要找茬的话,我就不手下留情了)(all say I'm here to find someone, you insist on finding fault, I will not hand)

贾思(哈哈,我猜的果然不错,你就是来找茬的吧,胆子不小啊,找茬敢来墨岚宗)(Haha, I guess it is really good, you just come to find it, courage is not small, find a dare to come to Mo Zhenzong)

周墨枫(哎……你这人真的没救了,混沌决!)(ah... You this person is really not saved, chaos! )

贾思(噗!你竟然敢在墨岚宗动手!)Puff How dare you do it in MoLan! )

周墨枫(你屁话怎么这么多,。你脑子不太正常吗?)(how do you bullshit so much. Are you out of your mind? )


(you're here? )

贾思(刿师兄好)(Hello, Senior Brother)

周墨枫(刿你们这个墨岚宗也不怎么样啊)(You guys, Mo Lanzong, are not very good either.)

(哈哈……走吧我师傅请你进去坐坐)(ha ha...... Let's go, my teacher ask you to go in and sit)


周墨枫(喂,我下次在看见你这么脑子多少沾点nt的话,我真的会杀了你)(Hey, the next time I see you with a little nt in your head, I'll really kill you.)

贾思(是是是)(Yes Yes Yes)

周墨枫(走吧)Let's go.

贾思(他还真认识刿啊……)(He really knows me...)

((师傅人带到了!)((The master has brought it! )

(嗯,小伙子不错啊,年纪轻轻就到30级了)(Well, the young man is good, he is at level 30 at a young age)

(是你!)It's you. )

周墨枫(卧槽,冰?)(lying in the trough, the ice? )

(周墨枫看着冰,想起来了一些事情)(weeks of ink maple looking at ice, to think of some things)

(你不是在下界吗?你怎么上来了)(you are not in the lower bound? How did you come up)

周墨枫(不行嘛?)(I can't? )

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