周墨枫(行吧,我下去试试?)OK, I'll go down and try? )
超级系统(去吧)Go ahead
(周墨枫下去之后,岩浆竟然变成了一层层的阶梯)(After Zhou Mofeng went down, the magma turned into a layer of stairs)
周墨枫(这是往下走的啊!)(This is going down! )
周墨枫(有点小热)(A little hot)
(第5层之后)(after Level 5)
周墨枫(青龙印记!)(Qinglong Seal! )
周墨枫(一点小痛啊,)(A little pain,)
超级系统(第一都到地7层了)(The first is on the 7th floor)
周墨枫(这不仅仅是岩浆还有好强的压力)(This is not just magma but also strong pressure)
周墨枫(待的越久越累)(The longer you stay, the more tired you are)
周墨枫(玄武印记!)(the mark of the basaltic! )
超级系统(你要往岩浆里掺水?)Do you want to mix water into the magma? )
周墨枫(参你个头)(For your sake)
周墨枫(加强我的肉体而已)(to strengthen my body)
(周墨枫开始大步的往下走了)(zhou mo feng began to step down)
路人甲(那个人加速了!快超过刿了!)(the man to speed up! It's almost over the top! )
周墨枫(刿?我前面这个?)(Gui? The one in front of me? )
周墨枫(清羽步!)(qing yu step! )
(下一秒周墨枫就超过了前面这个叫刿的人)(The next second, Zhou Mofeng surpassed the person named Yu in front.)
刿(为什么他可以在这么大的压力下怎么快?)(why can he under so much pressure, how fast? )
周墨枫(嘿嘿让我看看下面有没有什么宝藏!)(hey hey, let me see if there is any treasure below! )
刿(可恶,可不能被他强先了,刿心鉥肾!)(Damn, you can't be forced by him, heart and kidney! )
周墨枫(追上来了?嘿嘿有点意思,快到地了,压力好大啊……前面有个洞?应该是这里吧)(catch up with? Hey hey, a little meaning, fast to the ground, the pressure is so big... There is a hole in front? It should be here)