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周墨枫(系统英雄卡准备好,如果他们底牌真的有那么强的话,只能用英雄卡了)(The system hero card is ready. If their cards are really that strong, they can only use the hero card.)

超级系统(你确定吗?英雄卡只能撑住6分钟)Are you sure? Hero card can only hold for 6 minutes)

周墨枫(没事,但是你说了不是吗?太强会被反噬)(Nothing, but you said it, didn't you? Too strong will be countered)

周墨枫(没被反噬说明最多大圣巅峰,英雄卡可以秒杀他吧?)(Not being countered shows that the biggest holy peak, the hero card can kill him? )

超级系统(不一定……说不定他是在其他位面)(Not necessarily, Maybe he is in another plane)

周墨枫(……那他来这里一样会被排斥的吧?)(, then he will be excluded if he comes here? )

超级系统(嗯,和英雄卡一样超过时间没回去的话就会被天雷劈成渣渣)(Well, like the hero card, if you don't go back for more than time, you will be smashed into slag by the thunder.)

超级系统(但是实力越强待的时间就长)(But the stronger the strength, the longer it will stay)

周墨枫(……希望没有英雄卡厉害)(, I hope there is no hero card)

(几天过后帝尊所有人都到了圣人及以上,真正的战斗要开始了……)(After a few days, everyone in the emperor has reached the saints and above, and the real battle is about to begin,)

周墨枫(各位,他们的平均实力不高但是他们有一张看样子很牛*的底牌,虽然不知道真的假的但是谁都不能掉以轻心!)(Everyone, their average strength is not high but they have a card that looks very bullish. Although they don't know if it is true or not, no one can take it lightly! )


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